This shows the wiring for the twin battery pack. Keep the wires under the propshaft.
The servo was mounted on the stern bulkhead, but it could just as well be mounted on the rear cabin wall....
Note the battery and motor wires end in a floppy disk connector. I removed the heavy battery and motor duty wires from the Speed Controller, and substituted the other half of this connector, to save space...
Cut the curtain shape from the former on the Trim sheet - it's easy to cut the tissue if you put it on the paper first. Separate the plys of the tissue after cutting to get a thin net curtain effect..
From what I can see in my local supermarket, you have a choice of blue, green, white or peach curtains...
Cut them to size, and sand them until they are an easy sliding fit in a hardwood block and a brass tube. Then superglue the block and the tube to the roof and the coaming, leaving the bamboo posts unglued so that the roof can easily be removed.
The trim for the roof comes in yellow on the Trim Sheet or white if you reverse it! To do other colours, use your favourite JPG editor...
Here you can see a simple barn-door rudder soldered to the rudder shaft. I have left a little of the shaft exposed so that a propeller-guard can be added - a length of wood from the bottom of the keel to the base of the rudder.
In the plans on the web site the propeller is situated 1/2" further back and there is less of a gap in front of the rudder....
Here is the cabin with its windows glazed.
If you mount the servo on the stern bulkhead, you need to cut slots in the cabin wall to let the servo mounts and the tiller lever through.
The cabin looks a bit plain like this, so some curtains seem to be called for...
And there we are. Now, all we need to do is wait until summer.....
A pair of posts to 'hold up' the roof at the front can be made from bamboo kebab sticks...